Wednesday 26 October 2016


Previously we told you all about the lastest slang words that have taken over the fashion world, including our faves slay and lit, but now we've come across something else that has got us somewhat confused... Acronyms. We're all far too familiar with the struggle of typing out a tweet and trying to stay within that 140 character limit. So it would seem that everyone is now shortening everything so they can have the perfect tweet. But what do these acronyms mean?!

 IRL - In Real Life
Pretty self explanatory

NSFW - Not Safe for Work
Not quite sure what this means but we're down


MFW - My Face When... finding out these meanings


ICYMI - In Case You Missed It
Yeah, we missed it too..


SMH - Shaking My Head
Shaking my head at the fact we don't know anything


TIL - Today I Learned
Today I learned a lot

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