Remember the days of when you were at school and you got to go to the library to pick out a new book and everyone would fight over which Mr Men you wanted. From Little Miss Princess to Little Miss Sunshine, there's one for everyone and you automatically start to relate to your favourite.
In a bid to inspire young girls to see it's not just about being bossy or a princess, the latest character, Little Miss Inventor, in the much-loved series by Roger Hargreaves, is here to show girls that you can be whatever you want.
The 'intelligent, ingenious and inventive' character is due to appear in the new book launch set for 8 March 2018 to coincide with International Woman's Day and British Science Week.
"Her brain is full of ideas, which she turns into extraordinary invetions in a shed at the bottom of her garden," reads the blurb. "As well as inventing things for herself, she also invents things for her friends, whether it's a chatter-natter hat for Little Miss Chatterbox or a back-pack-snack-attack for Mr. Greedy."
"But her greatest challenge yet has her stumped, what an earth could she invent for Mr. Rude?!"
"I always enjoy creating a brand new character for the series and it was fun coming up with lots of crazy inventions for Little Miss Inventor's home and silly ones for all her friends," says Adam Hargreaves, the son of founder Roger Hargreaves. "It's also been nice to write a story that promotes a positive role model and to challenge a stereotype, if only in a small way."
This might be a small step but its one in the right direction that hopes to bring inspiration to all those driven and enthusiastic young girls out there.
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